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MadeDaily Support

There are a few different ways to get in touch with us:

Contact support

Create a support ticket

Fill out the form below, or if you have a MadeDaily account, log in and select "Contact Support" from the Question Mark icon in the main menu.

Please be as descriptive as possible. More information will help us resolve your problem more efficiently. You can also email us directly at if this is easier.

Premium Support

Schedule a support meeting

Why Scheduling is Needed:

Scheduling a support meeting ensures our team can provide personalized guidance, dedicating time and resources to address your specific needs and help you maximize MadeDaily's features for smooth business operations.


  • Premium support is $90 per hour
  • Contact us for a monthly support contract at a slight discount.
  • For anything outside of Premium, including custom code modifications and SEO strategy, contact us.
Please be as descriptive as possible. More information will help us resolve your problem more efficiently.
Provide an optional reference link for what you’d like to discuss on the call. You can also email us directly at if this is easier.

* By scheduling a premium support meeting you are agreeing to being billed at the premium support rate of $90 per hour.